WannaCry Ransomware Cyber Attack: Free tips to protect your computer


Ransomware is a type of malware that prevents or limits users from accessing their system, either by locking the system’s screen or by locking the users’ files unless a ransom is paid. More modern ransomware families, collectively categorized as crypto-ransomware, encrypt certain file types on infected systems and forces users to pay the ransom through certain online payment methods to get a decrypt key.

Ransomware (a.k.a. rogueware or scareware) restricts access to your computer system and demands that a ransom is paid in order for the restriction to be removed.


Where ransomware comes from

Ransomware is created by scammers who are highly knowledgeable in computer programming. It can enter your PC through an email attachment or through your browser if you happen to visit a website that is infected with this type of malware. It can also access your PC via your network.

How to recognize ransomware

It’s obvious when your device has been infected with ransomware, since you most likely won’t be able to access your computer.

How to remove ransomware

Make use of your antivirus software’s ransomware removal tool, which should scan for and wipe out any ransomware attempts found on your computer.

How to prevent ransomware attacks
  • Make sure all software on your computer is up to date, including your operating system, browser and any toolbar plug-ins you use.
  • Ensure that your antivirus software and firewall protection is up to date.
Protect yourself with anti-ransomware

There is no better way to recognize, remove and prevent ransomware than to use an antivirus & anti-ransomware software.

Free tips to prevent our cyber attack
  • Keep your Operating System up to date.
  • Keep you Anti-Virus up to date.
  • Create back up for the most important files either in a secured hard drive or in a secured cloud storage.
  • Do not open any email attachments from unknown senders.
  • Be careful while opening and downloading from any unknowing third party websites.
How to recover a ransomware infected computer ?

Well, for now there is no way to open the encrypted files. As I mentioned earlier you have to pay through bitcoins in order to get the decryption code.